Hey Doug
Thank you for accepting my friend request :)
This is soooo strange :) I started reading your book "The Human Pin Code last night. At 1:30am my pregnant girlfriend asked me to stop reading as we both had an early morning and the bed side light was disturbing her sleeping time....
It was hard to stop reading because I could see the insight and truths in you work...
So I wake up this morning, send you a friend request on Facebook and go about my day as per usual.
After a hectic day of meetings and driving I got home hoping to do sum work on my PC.. Oh by the way I am Shamillah Petersen's business partner :) and heard sooooo may good things about you...
So going back to my story, I did i lil work, but wasn't in the mood so I continued reading your book...
To my amazement I switch on the Tellie an you are on it!!! Just as the last lady was having her pin codes analysed her DOB 01/07/1946 and mine is 01/07/1978 WOW
I don't know if there is any relavence in this , just though I would share it with you.... I will be setting up an appointment with you shortly...... cant wait!!! Expecting a little girl towards the end of April (20th to 29th) I know that there was a reason for this unusual situation... Thank you for you work.....I look forward to our session
Dear Douglas
I want to thank you for the time and attention you afforded me during the discussion of aspects of my PIN code. It was very insightful and clarifies many things I have known to be true, but have repressed whether due to peer pressures or social stigma or just reluctance to accept who I have been created to be... ☺
Firstly, I need to emphasize the gentle comfort with which you instill respect and trust with your eloquent manner of counselling, which is also based on a firm understanding of your subject matter.
And I do not intend it as flattery. You share the knowledge as if you have been delving the human psyche for years beyond your chronological age, and I ascribe it to the anointing you carry (for the lack of a better expression) which conveys your message with power and authority.
It truly is a talent in the Light and in the Love wherewith you will guie many sould to a deeper understanding of knowing the self and through this, also aid the higher comprehension of the divinity within and the greater majesty of the Cosmos itself.
How truly incredibly indescribable!
May you continue to do good without growing weary so that your efforts will be blessed with much acclaim to the insights and relevance of the accurate definitions contianed within the Human PIN Code!
A E Cilliers
20/4/2011 Having completed two levels of the HPC course, I would like to thank you Douglas for these very informative and entertaining sessions and at times quite mind-blowing! I need to have a break now to absorb all the information and to practice what I have learnt. For anyone interested in the workings of the human psyche, the Pin Code is a fascinating insight into how people behave and how they process consciously and unconsciously all the ups and downs and interactions of daily life and why they do the things that they do. I believe very strongly that if you do not like yourself then how can you possibly expect others to like you? To know yourself and to be given the tools to become a better person has to be a great starting point. The PC exposes who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, it helps you to understand why another person is how he or she is, whether your relationship with a person is a good one or potentially a difficult one; it gives you warning signs to help you to overcome issues that may be holding you back from achieving your desired goals. The PC is an alternative and scientific way of analysing what is going on in a situation. We have now entered a new age of enlightenment, a much more spiritual age where the material things in life are going to become less important and where traditional belief systems are going to lose their 'trump-card' hold on humanity. There is a growing need for something new to take its place because people ( not enough of them as yet!)are no longer prepared to just accept what is told to them. It is going to be a period of questioning and searching for answers. A new level of consciousness is growing around us , one that wants peace, justice and harmony and one that realises the essential connection back to Mother Earth. The PC reflects that connection.
David Icke's latest book is called "Human Race Get Off Your Knees". If you have pulled your head out of the sand and got up off your knees, then you will love the Human Pin Code and everything that it can teach you. ( Miss Claudy)
6/4/2011 Douglas is an incredibly patient teacher and extremely knowledgeable. He serves humanity with his kind and gentle spirit, and it’s really an eye-opener when learning from him. He also has a very nice way of Explaining. C.Bornman
29/1/2011 All very good and informative day, Presentation of course well laid out and structured. Douglas really awesome job!! I am grateful for your time and energy! Your passion for teaching is awesome!
29/1/2011 Have the basic understanding and very well explained,Excellent presentation
29/1/2011 Douglas is an Excellent Presenter well done! Looking forward to the next Level.
7/2/2011 Very enlightening. Course offered on a 1 on 1 makes for better understanding, absorbing and beneficial. Tutor was very good , patient way of teaching.
20/2/2011 Was very informative & gave enough information to take away, study & analyze.
2/4/2011. Very interesting, informative, good presentation and company. eager to do more courses.
Lady Rose
2/4/2011. Thanks Douglas - well presented with a good balance of facts as well as anecdotes to explain the concept.
2/4/2011. Thanks everything was very interesting - learned allot.